Big Water
By Andrea Curtis
Inspired by the true story of one of the worst shipwrecks in the history of the Great Lakes, Big Water is a tale of survival, loss and love. When the passenger boat they are on sinks in a terrible fall storm, two 17-year-olds find themselves the only survivors. Adrift in a lifeboat full of corpses, Christina and Daniel must find a way to help one another if they both want to live.
*young adult fiction 12+
The Stop
How the Fight for Good Food Transformed a Community and Inspired a Movement
By Nick Saul & Andrea Curtis
The Stop is a story of a small urban food bank’s transformation into a vibrant community hub —complete with gardens, kitchens, a greenhouse and farmers’ markets—and the birth of a powerful movement to bring such Community Food Centres to every neighbourhood across the country. Most importantly, it is a passionate argument that we need a new politics of food, one in which everyone has a healthy, dignified place at the table.
Into the Blue
Family Secrets and the Search for a Great Lakes Shipwreck
By Andrea Curtis
Into the Blue tells the tale of a tragic shipwreck on Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay in the blustery fall of 1906. Carrying a full cargo of passengers and crew, the J.H. Jones disappeared into the cold November waters and was never seen again. The captain and owner of the boat was Andrea Curtis’s great-grandfather, James Victor Crawford, and he died along with all the rest. The book moves between the story of the wreck and its lingering aftermath, exploring the way we try to shape our family stories and how they shape us.