Reviews of Into the Blue

Into the Blue is a love letter to Georgian Bay disguised as a haunting family memoir. Curtis is a solid journalist with a great imagination…. The facts are sad enough but the fictionalized sections of the book are brilliantly realized.”
–The National Post

“A blend of fact and remembrance, Into the Blue is a classic piece of Canadiana, a family drama and an absorbing read. A universal story, told so well, with such immensely effective writing skills, that readers will easily imagine they have known the fate of the Crawfords forever.”
–The Owen Sound Sun Times

“Curtis manages to navigate her way around the kind of sentimentality that characterizes so many family memoirs. The process of discovery and research is very much inscribed in the book itself…. Ultimately, the metamemoir is a balancing act, a creation of Curtis’s insatiable curiosity…”
–Quill & Quire

“Curtis combines the historical past, exposes selective memory and posthumously invades the privacy of her grandmother, Eleanor, to craft a perceptive and affectionate family chronicle….Curtis proves to be a loving granddaughter who proves W.H. Auden right: it is possible for the living to break bread with the dead.”
–Montreal Gazette

The Crawford, another boat in the tug company fleet

“The strength of the book lies not only in the fascinating material, but also in the meticulous way that Curtis blends family history with fictionalized re-enactments to bring this multi-faceted story alive.”
–The Hamilton Spectator

“Andrea Curtis writes a language that is sure and sophisticated, beautifully lyrical….This is swashbuckling romance with a light touch. It is a thoroughly credible and enjoyable book.”
-Edna Staebler Award jury

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